Endometriosis : Managing Stress

We found this online the other day , it’s well written advice and it deserves to be spread – as a result here it is, credit is linked below.


What can I do to prevent endometriosis? Although endometriosis is rarely life-threatening, it affects life on two very critical levels—well-being and fertility. Women are often surprised by the differences they can make in ending the misery of endometriosis.

Taking charge of the disease involves change. There is no getting away from it. it requires a real willingness to invest in yourself and alter some daily routines and ways of thinking about the disease, as follows.

• Build a support system. This begins with finding a doctor who understands endometriosis and how it has affected you in particular. There is no use in convincing skeptical practitioners that you are suffering from a real condition if they persist in believing that your symptoms are psychosomatic.

Discuss your condition with family members and friends in a calm and tactual manner. Explain what you have learned about the disease and why you are feeling the way you do. Severe menstrual camping attributed to prostaglandin levels, painful intercourse, and mood swings due to hormone fluctuations are real factors ha die disease. Now that your loved ones know it’s not “in your head,” ask for their help in getting you through any especially difficult time. If you feel you need pyschological counseling either alone or in ramify therapy to help sort out your feelings shout the impact of the condition on you and on others, seek help now.

The “career woman’s disease” touches the lives of millions of women who must deal with their condition and continue to work efficiently. This can be a problem. Many employers are not interested in hearing that employees suffer from chronic disorders such as endometriosis. As with sufferers of PMS, women with endometriosis may be assumed to be overly self-indulgent during menstruation. It has been estimated that 140 million work hours are lost each year to the symptoms of endometriosis, a fact that the business world cannot ignore.

Yet, they do. Now it is up to you. Your wisest strategy is to be consistently reasonable at work and prudent about whom you inform of your condition. Although your impulse may be to educate your employers and coworkers, many of whom may have the disease or know others who might, not everyone may be sympathetic to you. They are two schools of thought about discussing this disease and its effect on women, and doing so on the job. Some avoid public disclosure, feeling it is best to be discreet. They are concerned that knowledge of their condition may he used against them, that is, used as a reason to bold them hack from greater responsibility and promotions.

Other women fed that having endometriosis is not a stigmatizing factor and that a calm, honest, and educational approach will not hinder their career advancement. These women are bolder about their approach to the disease. They may disseminate information about endometriosis, or post notices of discussion groups to alert women to what they can do for themselves and for others, too. Knowing they do not have to keep silent about their condition and finding even one other woman at work who shares their problem gives them a psychological boost and an important sense of supportiveness. The action you do or do not take at work will depend entirely on the kind of job you have and the general tone of your workplace. You will know best what to do in this case.


Post contents from:  http://fdadrug.net/2009/05/endometriosis-managing-stress

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