New drug is approved for endometriosis pain..

This relates to our U.S. readers only at present as far as we are aware – if anyone has other info let us know.

First new treatment to be approved for Endometriosis in 15 years.  

Depo subQ provera 104 (yes it’s a mouthful – a form of Depo Provera) has been approved for treatment – the drug is made by Pfeizer and contains 104 mg medroxyprogesterone acetate and can treat endometriosis pain as effectively as leuprolide acetate, but is associated with significantly less bone loss over the course of treatment.

It also has fewer side effects also associated with prior treatments.  


Hopefully this will benefit many sufferers as one of the major problems with previous treatments, as our readers will know, is the bone density loss, which if not monitored has led to problems for people in later life, along with some very severe side-effects to sensitive people.  

Anyone who has treatment from this new drug please get in touch with us and let us know by emailing .

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