Does Endo grow back ? If so how long does it take to grow back?I have it lasered out last Monday should my symptoms have gone away yet ?

Yes endo can grow back. There is no time length for how long it will take – as it is different for every person. It can take several weeks, if not months, for you to notice any difference as the operation will have left your insides very raw and bruised. Make sure you take it very easy for the first couple of weeks and don’t rush back into anything.

Visitor’s Question No. 1

I have a question about me.For about the past 6 months i’ve had rectal bleeding ONLY when I have my period. I tried going to a clinic and the doctor told me there’s no way it is endometriosis. I know it is and am scared to death. what do I do? I have n

I would go into your gp and ask to be sent to a bowel specialist to start with as having rectal bleeding every month during your period is not normal at all.

What is Danazol?

What does it do?
Danazol shuts down the pituitary gland and puts the body into pseudo-menopause. You shouldn’t have any periods while on this treatment but the periods usually return 2 to 3 months after treatment is stopped.

Side effects:
-acne, decreased sex drive, headaches, hot flushes, oily skin
-oily hair, reduction in breast size, weight gain (up to 10 pounds)
-abnormal facial hair and body hair growth, emotional instability, depression
-nervousness, fatigue, fluid retention, muscle aches and cramps
-vaginal dryness and irritation, breast pain, deepening of the voice
-insomnia, nausea, rash, visual disturbances, dizziness, appetite changes
-stomach upset, bloating, anxiety, chills, nasal congestion

Make sure you use another form of birth control (ie. condom) as danazol may cause harm to the fetus. If you think you might be pregnant, stop treatment immediately.

What is Zoladex?

What is it?
It is a GnRH injection that is given every 28 days in the stomach. It is also known as Goserelin acetate. It is used to put the body into a temporary menopause.

Possible Side Effects:
-a small loss of calcium from the bones
-Hot Flushes and sweating
-Reduced sex drive
-Mood Swings including Depression
-Vaginal dryness and change in breast size
-Tingling in the fingers and toes
-skin rashes
-rare allergic reactions
-pains in the joints
-change in the blood pressure

Sometimes women enter menopause early and when treatment is stopped, menstruation does not start again.
The symptoms are known to be worse within the first month of treatment.
It is possible that you will experience vaginal bleeding during the first month, but this should stop after that.
Not all women will have these side effects, or even have any of them, this is just a guide of what might happen.

How is endometriosis treated?

Treatment for endometriosis varies from surgical procedures to hormonal treatments.

It is advised that before you undergo treatment, you gather all the information possible in order to make the decision that’s best for you.

How is endometriosis diagnosed?

There is only one certain way to diagnose Endometriosis and that is by a minor surgerical procedure called a laproscopy. During a laproscopy, the patient is put to sleep with anesthetic and their abdomen is distended with carbon dioxide gas to make the organs easier to see. While the patient is under anesthesia, a laproscope is inserted into a tiny incision in the abdomen and by moving it around, the surgeon can check the abdomincal organs to see if there are any endometrial implants.

What are the most common symptoms of endometriosis?

Some of the more common symptoms of endometriosis are: ->PAIN-which can be experienced before or during periods or continuously throughout the month; the pain can be a typical low pelvice cramping, pain with sexual intercourse, with bowel movements, lower back pain, or merely with movement.

  • INFERTILITY-Many women have difficulty conceiving and may never become pregnant despite invasive, risky and expensive medical procedures and treatments.
  • BOWEL/BLADDER COMPLICATIONS-diarrhoea, constipation, rectal pain or pain with bowel movements, symptoms of bowel obstruction or pain with voiding may occur; it has sometimes been mistaken for appendicitis
  • ANGER/FRUSTRATION with chronic disease, missed time at work, decreased energy for home/family life

Why do people get Endometriosis?

No one knows why people get endo, or what causes it. Perhaps one day these questions will have answers. Until then, research on endometriosis needs to continue to be done. Research is underway in several centres across the world looking for genes that may make people susceptable to endometriosis, if successful this may well hold the key to a cure or even a test to see if someone will get it in the near future!

Who gets Endometriosis?

Endometriosis knows no bounds and affects women of any age, race, or class. It is not fatal but it certainly can cause a lot of problems for the woman who has it. Endometriosis can be triggered at any age once puberty starts – it is unusual for it to be triggered to such a degree as to cause discomfort before then. It happens to women of all races, however some recent studies imply some races are more susceptable than others – If we get proper numbers from such studies we will post on the site to inform you – right now this information seems to be very vague so not worth going into at the moment.

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