Genetic Link to Endometriosis – Unique Icelandic Study Provides Further Proof

An article that was released in Febrtuary of 2002, stated that “A woman has more than five times the normal risk of developing endometriosis if her sister has the disease, according to research published today (Thursday 28 February) in Europe’s leading reproductive medicine journal, Human Reproduction*.”

The full article can be found at SciTecLibrary. (original article no longer available) – an alternative overview is here:

I apologise for the delay in posting this article. I did have it saved in my file folder but things were very hectic at that time due to projects and midterms.


House of Representatives Overwhelmingly Supports H. Con. Res. 291 in Session of 107th Congress.

DELRAY BEACH, FL. / October 3, 2002 — The Endometriosis Research Center (ERC) is delighted to announce that House Concurrent Resolution 291 was unanimously passed in the House of Representatives on October 1, 2002.
Introduced by Congressman Buck McKeon (R-25th District) and supported by numerous Co-sponsors, H. Con. Res. 291 officially recognizes the need for
Endometriosis awareness and education, and expresses the sense of Congress that it “strongly supports efforts to raise public awareness of
Endometriosis throughout the medical and lay communities and recognizes the need for better support of patients with Endometriosis, the need for
physicians to better understand the disease, the need for more effective treatments, and ultimately, the need for a cure.”
The ERC, which began working on H. Con. Res. 291 last summer, has been instrumental in other Endometriosis-related legislation as well. Earlier
this year, the ERC celebrated the enactment of Assembly Concurrent Resolution 160, which was unanimously passed by the California State Senate
in March. Introduced by Assemblyman George Runner (R-36th District) and Assemblywoman Patricia Bates (R-73rd District) and supported by 70
Co-Sponsors, ACR 160 officially proclaimed the month of March as “Endometriosis Awareness Month” in conjunction with the ERC’s anniversary.
The ERC also previously testified before the California State Legislature at the invitation of Assemblyman Dennis Cardoza (D-26th District) on behalf of AB 2820, a consequential bill calling for independent research into the presence of Dioxin, which has been linked to Endometriosis, in feminine
hygiene products and the subsequent risks this toxin poses to women and their children. AB 2820 was approved by majority vote and passed on to the Senate Committee on Health & Human Services.
“We are extremely gratified that the 107th Congress has recognized the significant need for awareness and understanding of this painful disease,” said Michelle E. Marvel, Founder and Executive Director of the ERC. “Those who live with Endometriosis know all too well the negative impact the disease can have on their lives,” she said. “However, outside of the Endometriosis community, awareness is severely lacking. We have found that the disease continues to remain misdiagnosed, misunderstood, and ineffectively treated, despite being one of the most prevalent causes of chronic pain in today’s society. Only though awareness can we increase education about Endometriosis.”
Often referred to as “painful periods,” Endometriosis is more than just killer cramps. With Endometriosis, tissue like the endometrium (tissue
lining the uterus which builds up and sheds each month during menstruation) is found outside the uterus, in other areas of the body. These implants
respond to hormonal commands each month and break down and bleed; however, unlike normal endometrium, these implants have no way of leaving the body. The result is internal bleeding, inflammation of surrounding areas, expression of irritating enzymes, and formation of scar tissue. In
addition, depending on the location of growths, interference with the bowel, bladder, intestines and other areas of the pelvic cavity can occur.
Endometriosis has also been found lodged in the skin and at extrapelvic locations such as the arm, leg and even brain.
Symptoms include pelvic pain with or without menstruation, infertility, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, pain during or after intercourse,
gastrointestinal difficulties, fatigue, chronic pain, allergies and other immune system-related dysfunction. Studies have also shown an elevated risk of certain cancers and autoimmune disorders in women with Endometriosis. Though there are several theories, researchers remain unsure as to the specific cause of Endometriosis, and there is currently no definitive cure. The current method of diagnosis is an invasive surgical procedure; however, research is underway concerning non-invasive diagnostics.
The pain from Endometriosis can be so debilitating as to render a woman or teen with the illness unable to carry out her normal routine. Businesses
lose millions of dollars each year in lost productivity and work time because of Endometriosis pain. In addition, the cost of surgery required to
diagnose the disease in each patient alone adds greatly to the financial burden of both consumers and companies. “Yet, many people have never even heard of Endometriosis,” said Mary Prenger, Leader of the ERC’s Legislative Awareness Committee. “In fact, in approaching various Representatives to garner support for both ACR 160 and H. Con. Res. 291, we learned that many
of them were unfamiliar with the disease until the ERC brought it to their attention.”
The ERC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that was founded by Executive Director Michelle E. Marvel in early 1997 to address the growing needs of the international Endometriosis community. The ERC helps to improve the quality of life for those with the disease through their International
support and education programs, which include nearly 45 in-person support groups throughout the United States, Canada and the Caribbean, and the
Internet’s largest electronic Endometriosis support group; providing practitioners, patients and all those interested in the disease with extensive educational materials; raising awareness about Endometriosis; working with legislators to facilitate proper funding for Endometriosis research; conducting product focus studies; facilitating patient recruitment and participation in clinical trials and research studies; assisting medical
industry leaders with developmental research and data collection on Endometriosis; much more. The ERC is currently implementing their latest program for Professionals, EndoMED(tm), which is designed to encourage global collaboration and advance the study and treatment of Endometriosis. Unlike similar women’s health organizations, the organization is unique in that it is not fee-based. There is never a cost to participate in the ERC programs. The organization exists solely on the donations and contributions of concerned individuals and organizations that share the ERC’s vision of
helping women and teens with Endometriosis–and of someday finding a cure for the disease.
“With the sponsorship of policymakers like Congressman McKeon and our other supporters, we can ensure that Endometriosis is no longer treated as an insignificant issue,” said Marvel. “Patients, physicians and society at
large need to understand that Endometriosis is a disease which affects all of us.”
The Endometriosis Research Center a 501(c)3 Tax Exempt, Tax Deductible Organization
World Headquarters:
630 Ibis Drive | Delray Beach, FL 33444 USA
Toll free: 800/239-7280
Direct: 561/274-7442 Fax: 561/274-9117
Email: |

2 News Articles

Study Links Endometriosis With Other Diseases
Research Confirms 10-Year Delay Between Onset Of Pain, Diagnosis

POSTED: 10:31 a.m. EDT September 27, 2002

LONDON — Women with endometriosis are much more likely to also have other medical conditions, according to a new study.

The findings document something that many women with the painful condition already know.

The study was conducted by researchers from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development in Bethesda, Md., the School of Public Health and Health Services at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., and the Endometriosis Association in Milwaukee. Their findings are published in Friday’s issue of the journal Human Reproduction.

Researchers found that endometriosis was linked to other conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and allergies.

They found that 20 percent of the 3,680 endometriosis sufferers they studied had more than one other disease.

The study also confirmed that there is typically a 10-year delay between the onset of symptoms of endometriosis and the diagnosis of the disease. The researchers urge doctors to consider a diagnosis of endometriosis in girls and women complaining of pelvic pain and to watch out for other potentially serious conditions in these patients.

Endometriosis is a leading cause of infertility. It occurs when tissue from the uterine lining grows elsewhere in the body, attaching itself to organs and frequently causing pain, inflammation, bleeding and reproductive problems. It affects an estimated 8 to 10 percent of women of reproductive age. Its cause, and the causes of the other conditions, are not known.

Copyright 2002 by The Associated Press contributed to this report. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Menstrual Problem Going Unnoticed In Teens
Left Untreated, Endometriosis Can Cause Infertility

UPDATED: 11:53 a.m. EDT September 10, 2002

Endometriosis is a mysterious disease causing pain and infertility in thousands of women.

Doctors are learning more about the disease and now they’re paying closer attention to teens.

When she was 13, Katie Barton began having severe pain with some of her periods — pain that wouldn’t go away with over-the-counter medication.

“I would be doubled over and not be able to function. I would either have to leave school or take the day off,” she said.

Doctors thought Barton had digestive problems but couldn’t explain what was wrong.

But years later, she did get some answers. She has endometriosis, where menstrual tissue develops outside the uterus, often in the abdominal cavity. It’s what caused her pain since she was a teen.

Barton’s not alone. According to Dr. Fermin Barrueto, a gynecologist at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, teens with unexplained menstrual pain were often ignored, but a recent study discovered teens are especially vulnerable to the disease.

“They found out that in patients below age 22, the recurrence rate was twice as much as patients over 22,” he said.

Early diagnosis is important. Barton needed surgery to remove her endometriosis and Lupron, a medication to keep it under control.

“Finally I know what’s wrong with me and what can be done,” she said.

Endometriosis affects an estimated 10 million American women, and since it often results in infertility, early detection is important, according to research.

Copyright 2002 by All rights reserved. This material may not be

First Article –

Second Article –

Thanks to AthinaMarie for this information – her website can be found in the websites section of this site!.

A Mother’s Story

Here is a mother’s story on how she deals with her daughter having Endometriosis.
I’m a 40-something woman who has known a few women who had a condition called Endometriosis. I knew these women had occassional pain and both had difficulty having children. One of my friends was able to conceive, but miscarried several times before having two successful pregnancies. I also knew they took medication to help with the endo and had some side effects. At that time, I never gave endometriosis much additional thought.
That all changed in September 2000 when a surgeon came out to tell my husband and me that our 13 year old daughter had endometriosis. Briefly, here’s how it started:

Our family was vacationing out of the country in June 2000 when my daughter, Angela, began having severe abdominal pain a few days before her period began. Her pain level remained high and it lasted for almost 2 weeks. Until that month, she had experienced little, if any, menstrual cramping. For that reason, I just assumed it was a one time problem and treated her symptoms with Tylenol. However, the next month, she once again began having excruciating pain but that time, it started about a week before her period and continued for a week and half during and after her period. In total, she was in extreme pain for about 2 1/2 weeks in July. I called her pediatrician and he wanted to examine her.
Her pediatrician found nothing during the exam which would cause such intense pain and he told us that the pain was lasting too long to be related to her menses. He said he would consult with a pediatric gynecologist. At that time, I didn’t know that there were gynecologists who specialized in pediatric and adolescent gynecology.
The next day, Angela’s pediatrician called to report on his consultation with the gynecologist. The specialist agreed that ‘something’ was not right and he wanted Angela to have an ultrasound. That was scheduled just a few days later at a local children’s hospital. The ultrasound indicated she had a cyst in her right ovary and in the fallopian tube. With that finding, Angela then became a patient of the pediatric gynecologist.
At our first appointment, he explained there were two kinds of ovarian cysts; one was filled with liguid and usually responded well to hormonal treatments and the other was a dermoid cyst which was a solid mass that would never respond to medication. The only way to get rid of a dermoid cyst would be surgery. We were told that many women and girls had liquid filled ovarian cysts that never caused any pain because they responded to the body’s natural hormonal cycles. In other words, they would fill with blood and then shrink and the blood would be expelled during the monthly menstrual period. However, some girls and women had these liquid filled cysts that did cause pain and a low estrogen birth control pill was prescribed along with an anti-inflammatory drug (such as Anaprox) and this prescription combination controlled the pain. So, being optimistic that she had the liquid filled cyst, she was started on the birth control pill and the Anaprox.
We were cautiously optimistic as we waited to see what the month of August would bring. Unfortunately, it was a total repeat of the prior two months. She was in so much pain she just laid on the couch curled up in a fetal position with a heating pad. Again, this went on for about 2 1/2 weeks.
I was getting very concerned especially because her 8th grade school year would be starting soon and I knew she couldn’t miss over 2 weeks of school a month. So I called the doctor and explained what had happened. Though he was a little less optimistic as before, he did ask that we try to give the medications another month to see if they kicked in and began to ease the pain.
On September 1st, less than two weeks since the pain ended in August, Angela awoke with a lot of pain. I think I knew at that point that surgery was going to be required. School began after Labor Day, and she spent as much time in the nurse’s office as she did in the classroom. After many phone calls and visits to the doctor, we decided to go ahead and have him perform surgery to remove the cyst. The surgery was scheduled for September 29th. During the month of September, she did not have one pain free day.
Her surgery was performed via laparoscopy at our local children’s hospital. Our doctor said it should only take about an hour to remove the cyst and get her back into recovery and that he would be out to speak to us as soon as he finished. When he came out about an hour and a half later, he immediately told us she was ok. We then went into a small conference room to get a full report. He told us he was so glad we went ahead with the surgery because “he found a lot more inside than he was expecting”. Nothing horrible, he said, but in addition to the cysts, he discovered endometriosis in her right ovary and he found she was retaining a lot of blood in the uterine cavity that shouldn’t be there.
He then told us that any one of those three conditions (cyst, endo, and excess blood) could cause intense pain and considering the fact that she had all three, he was amazed that she was functioning as well as she had been. Because of finding endo in the right ovary, he also went into the left one to see if there was any sign of endo there. Fortunately, he did not see any but he did biopsy it to make sure. The pathology reports indicated microscopic endo was still present in the right ovary but the left one was clear.
A few days following her surgery, I began my quest to learn as much about endometriosis as I could. What I found was a lot of conflicting information. I felt confused and overwhelmed. At our first post-op check-up, her doctor recommended Angela be placed on Lupron for 6-8 months which would temporarily put her body in a pseudo-menopause state to allow her insides time to heal properly. Lupron would stop her periods but she could experience the usual side-effects of menopause such as hot flashes, weight gain, etc. I am not a medical person in any way, but although the explanation of Lupron sounded feasible, many red flags were waving in my mind. These red flags were questioning the physical changes we’d be putting on a 13 year girl who had only been having her menstrual periods for just over a year. I kept thinking this way: She has a period for let’s say 14 or 15 months, now we’re going to stop them for 6 – 8 months, and then we’re going to let her start them again. Somehow I kept telling myself this could not be good for her young body.
I questioned the doctor on the potential side effects Lupron could have on Angela and young teenage girls. The response was that research has shown only that some girls experience a small amount of bone density loss but that calcium supplements could counter that. Being optimistic, I refused to begin the series of Lupron shots until I had done more research.
Unfortunately, my research revealed that not much research has been done on the side effects of Lupron on teenagers. What I did find was that the results of lupon shots in ladies in their 20’s and 30’s were not all that positive. Many did find some pain relief while they were on the shots, but most reported that all or some of the pain returned immediately after they stopped the series of treatments. It seemed to me that quite a few of these women felt the side effects of Lupron were as bad as, if not worse, than the original endo pain they were trying to relieve. Some of these side effects were the hot flashes, weight gain, extreme mood swings, very dry vaginas and painful intercourse. The more I read, the more I decided that I did not want to put my young daughter through all that.
As I continued to research endometriosis on the web, I found two places that I personally place the most trust in. While there are many websites related to endo and I do not pass judgement on their validity or their views, I felt more comfortable with the Endometriosis Association founded by Mary Lou Balweg, an endo survivor, to try to educate and support other patients with endo. This organization provides support, educational materials, books, pamphlets, videos but more importantly, are involved in cutting edge research on endometriosis.
My second saving grace was an online support group called DaughtersWithEndo at Just reading the name alone gave me great comfort in my early days of reserach because I thought “I’m not alone”. There are other Moms or Dads trying to cope with the knowledge that their precious daughter has an incurrable disease. DaughtersWithEndo is a message board where parents can ask questions, share their personal stories, and lift others up when they are emotionally and phycially drained. What I found on those boards were real parents with real teenagers living with endo. Some of these parents have daughters who are doing amazingly well since their endo diagnosis. Some of them have daughters who seem not to respond to any treatment and whose quality of life is so difficult, it will bring tears to your eyes as you read and share their struggles.
For me, the greatest thing I have gotten through this board is validation for my red-flag decision not to use Lupron. While some of these young girls did find relief from Lupron, the parents have reported the same side effects mentioned above, as well as severe depression and memory loss. In many cases, these young girls became so depressed they were near suicidal. The depression led to additional medications such as Prozac and then it was like a never stopping merry-go-round. Each additional medication would lead to other problems and more medication. That certainly is not what we want for any of our daughters. The memory loss from Lupron has made school a major struggle for many of these girls who were once honor students. After Lupron, they can read assignments yet not be able to remember what they’ve read. What most of these parents have taught me, is that I should consider Lupron only as a last resort and that’s been my decision.
It’s now been almost two years since Angela was diagnosed with endo. Overall, she is doing remarkably well and I consider her to be one of the lucky ones because this disease may slow her down at times but it hasn’t completely changed her life. I credit this to our continual research about endo, our positive outlook in dealing with an incurrable disease, to her doctors, her school and our wonderful support network of friends and family. She remains on birth control pills to control the amount of estrogin in her system and we’ve found ways to help with pain. She will be starting her sophomore year of high school next month where she actively participates in the drama and musical clubs and sports. We don’t know what the future holds for her but we take each day one at a time. As a Mom, I worry somewhat about the future. I wonder if the endo will get worse, will it appear in more places, how will this affect her fertility down the road should she want children. I try not to borrow trouble from tomorrow because we’ve got enough to deal with today. We continue to educate people about endo, especially her teachers at school (with help from the nurses and guidance counselor).
Many people find it strange to hear me say, I’m glad Angela had an ovarian cyst two years ago. I say that because it led us to a definite diagnosis of endo within 3 months of the onset of her pain. Considering that it takes most women 6 to 7 YEARS on average to get an accurate diagnosis, I’m forever grateful to her pediatrician and her gynocologist.
© Bert Thomas

Letter from Minister of Health

Here is the response that I received on December 8th, 2001 from the Minister of Health, to my August 10th, 2001 letter. I wasn’t impressed as it was all just facts and figures but at least I tried.

Dear Ms. Chiasson:

The Honourable Chris Hodsgon, MPP, forwarded to me your letter of August 10, 2001, regarding research into women’s health issues. I appreciated hearing your views on this important matter.

Our government is committed to addressing women’s health issues. We have invested over $210 million annually in specific programs for women. As well, we have established the Ontario Women’s Health Council (OWHC), an advisory body to the ministry on issues related to women’s health. This is an important step in making the health system more responsive to health issues unique to women.

We are concerned about the number of hysterectomies being performed in Ontario particularly in rural and northern areas of the province. To this end, the OWHC has convened an expert panel on best practices on the use of hysterectomy. Please rest assured that as part of their work, the expert panel will be looking at a variety of indications for hysterectomy, including endometriosis.

On April 11, 2001, I announced a total of $10 million for healthcare initiatives that will benefit women across the province. The funding includes $7.4 million for health organizations over three years to fund demonstration projects and $2 million for the endowment of Chairs in Women’s Health at two Ontario universities. This funding in the education, community and hospital sectors will help the OWHC provide advice to me, and will promote much-needed information and research in a number of key areas in women’s health.

If you have access to the Internet, I encourage you to visit our web site at for details of our current initiatives and news of future health service initiatives.

I hope you find this helpful. Once again, thank you for taking the time to share your concerns with our government.

Your’s very truly, Tony Clements

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