Endometriosis After Menopause: Understanding the Risks and Symptoms

Endometriosis is a condition in which endometrial tissue grows outside of the uterus, causing pain and discomfort, and it can affect women of all ages, including after menopause. Although endometriosis symptoms can decrease after menopause, they can also reactivate with rising estrogen levels. Existing endometriosis can persist past menopause, and in some cases, it can develop several years after menopause. However, it is difficult to determine whether postmenopausal cases are new or if they were previously undiagnosed.

Endometriosis is a condition in which endometrial tissue grows outside of the uterus, causing pain and discomfort, and it can affect women of all ages, including after menopause. Although endometriosis symptoms can decrease after menopause, they can also reactivate with rising estrogen levels. Existing endometriosis can persist past menopause, and in some cases, it can develop several years after menopause. However, it is difficult to determine whether postmenopausal cases are new or if they were previously undiagnosed.

For more information, you can check out the following full article

Schwartz, Z. (2021, January 20). Endometriosis After Menopause. Verywell Health. https://www.verywellhealth.com/endometriosis-after-menopause-7111721.

Non-Hormonal Drug Shows Promise in Relieving Endometriosis Pain

A clinical trial involving 100 women in Edinburgh and London is testing whether dichloroacetate, a drug licensed for the treatment of childhood metabolic disorders and some cancers, can relieve the chronic pain and other symptoms of endometriosis. The disease affects around one in 10 women of reproductive age and occurs when tissue similar to the womb lining grows elsewhere in the body, causing inflammation, pain, and scarring. Current treatments, including hormone-based drugs and surgery, have side effects and are not suitable for all patients. Dichloroacetate would be the first non-hormonal, non-surgical treatment for endometriosis if the trial is successful.

The clinical trial, which is funded by the Scottish government and the women’s health charity Wellbeing of Women, follows previous research that showed cells from the pelvic wall of women with endometriosis produced higher amounts of lactate. Dichloroacetate was found to reduce lactate production and the size of endometriosis lesions in lab and mouse experiments. The trial will assess whether the drug can alleviate pain and other symptoms of endometriosis, which affects 1.5 million women in the UK alone. The hope is that the trial will confirm dichloroacetate’s effectiveness, paving the way for the first new class of endometriosis drug in 40 years.

[Source: The Guardian] (https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/mar/08/endometriosis-new-treatment-non-hormonal-drug-dichloroacetate)

Pesticides linked to increased risk of Endometriosis.

Recently published research from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center have indicated a link between endometriosis risk and pesticide use.  The study published in Environmental Health Perspectives consisted of over 250 women with surgically confirmed Endometriosis (the only reliable way to confirm a diagnosis of Endometriosis) and a control group of 538 women between the years of 1996 and 2001.

Within the context of past studies of organochloride pesticides indicating estrogenic properties, this indicated a potential to increase the risk of conditions such as Endometriosis which are estrogen driven, until now larger scale studies have not examined the potential risk in relation to exposure to any great depth.

The study concludes

In our case–control study of women enrolled in a large health care system in the U.S. Pacific Northwest, serum concentrations of β-HCH and mirex were positively associated with endometriosis. Extensive past use of environmentally persistent OCPs in the United States or present use in other countries may affect the health of reproductive-age women.”


Mirex pesticides have been banned in many countries, for example the United States banned it in 1976, prior to this it was in widespread use in order to prevent the spead of fire ants.

β-HCH or  beta-Hexachlorocyclohexane is a byproduct of lindane also a banned pesiticde since at least 1985 – however studies as recent as 2009 have found that the chemical still exists in water and soil across used areas.  it is also foudn pesent in many people with tentative links to Parkinsons and Alzheimers  (Medscape Medical News – July 2009).  With its long life and prolonged existence in the environment this is of ongoing concern for women with an increased risk of Endometriosis.


Endometriosis and Cancer Link – new research shows

New research undertaken by researchers in Sweden have found a indicative link to an increased risk of some cancers.  After examining the records of 65,000 patents, along with data from the National Swedish Cancer Registry the researchers found that women with Endometriosis were  more likely to develop ovarian cancer, brain tumors, endocrine tumors, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

The researchers also concluded that there was a decrease in risk for cervical cancer across the study group.   The study found that the actual increase in risk was minor, it may prompt further research from other nations, such studies, if a link is found – may be able to indicate new treatment and research paths for further treatment and diagnosis.

Other studies.

It’s worth noting another study in April 2013 indicated that the risk of ovarian cancer was reduced in women with Endometriosis who underwent excision surgery to remove and clean-out the endometriosis.


We hope that studies such as these will help researchers and consultants treat patients in the future.

Endometriosis sufferers have a higher risk of Crohn’s disease.

A study, done over 10 years, consisting of over 35,000 Danish women who had been hospitalised due to endometriosis has found that there is a significantly higher risk of Crohn’s disease.


The study concludes that where Endometriosis has been surgically verified, the risk of having Crohn’s disease is 80% higher than those without.  Where the diagnosis had not been confirmed surgically (symptom only diagnosis) the risk was 50% higher than the normal population.  The study was undertaken from 1997 to 2007, the women were then followed up for up to 13 years, 320 of the women developed Inflammatory Bowel Disease and 92 with Crohn’s disease.

Crohn’s disease generally causes complications within the gastrointestinal tract, including diarrhoea, vomiting and weight loss.

The study was led by Dr. Tine Jess and a team of researchers at the Statens Serum Institute in Copenhagen, Denmark.

BMJ journal Gut article:

Teenage Symptoms may serve as indication of Endometriosis Severity in adults.

A study undertaken over several years has indicated that the most extensive form of Endometriosis may be predicted by the severity of menstrual periods in teenage girls.

The extensive form of Endometriosis is know as “Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis” (DIE).  There are three distinct forms of Endometriosis (not to be confused with different stages/levels): Superficial Endometriosis, Ovarian Endometriosis and Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis.  DEep Infiltrating Endometriosis is the most extensive, women with this condition will usually have extensive deposits of Endometriosis leading to adhesions in multiple parts of the body, including the vagina, bladder and ligaments that attach the uterus to the pelvis.

It is not unusual for several years (or longer) to go before a woman is diagnosed with Endometriosis due to the difficulty in diagnosis (the only reliable way is still a laproscopy and direct examination of the endometrium cells) and the number of diseases that can be similar to Endometriosis or may present at a similar time due to complications.  However the study, undertaken by Dr Charles Chapron and colleagues included nearly 230 women who had surgery at a medical center between 2004 and 2009, of these 43% had DIE and the rest had the less extensive forms (Ovarian and Superficial).

During the study symptoms and histories were taken, this has led to a general conclusion (however more studies are needed from multiple sources to confirm or to enable more firm conclusions) that women who suffered from more painful periods and were prescribed birth control pills to treat this pain were more likely to suffer from DIE.  Such evidence could lead to faster diagnosis of this severe type of Endometriosis.

However the study also concluded that any advance in diagnosis would not prevent the eventual progression to this invasive form of Endometriosis.


Original article source content (for the purposes of brevity this has been interpreted and re-written)

SOURCE: Fertility and Sterility, online November 11, 2010.

Endometriosis : Managing Stress

We found this online the other day , it’s well written advice and it deserves to be spread – as a result here it is, credit is linked below.


What can I do to prevent endometriosis? Although endometriosis is rarely life-threatening, it affects life on two very critical levels—well-being and fertility. Women are often surprised by the differences they can make in ending the misery of endometriosis.

Taking charge of the disease involves change. There is no getting away from it. it requires a real willingness to invest in yourself and alter some daily routines and ways of thinking about the disease, as follows.

• Build a support system. This begins with finding a doctor who understands endometriosis and how it has affected you in particular. There is no use in convincing skeptical practitioners that you are suffering from a real condition if they persist in believing that your symptoms are psychosomatic.

Discuss your condition with family members and friends in a calm and tactual manner. Explain what you have learned about the disease and why you are feeling the way you do. Severe menstrual camping attributed to prostaglandin levels, painful intercourse, and mood swings due to hormone fluctuations are real factors ha die disease. Now that your loved ones know it’s not “in your head,” ask for their help in getting you through any especially difficult time. If you feel you need pyschological counseling either alone or in ramify therapy to help sort out your feelings shout the impact of the condition on you and on others, seek help now.

The “career woman’s disease” touches the lives of millions of women who must deal with their condition and continue to work efficiently. This can be a problem. Many employers are not interested in hearing that employees suffer from chronic disorders such as endometriosis. As with sufferers of PMS, women with endometriosis may be assumed to be overly self-indulgent during menstruation. It has been estimated that 140 million work hours are lost each year to the symptoms of endometriosis, a fact that the business world cannot ignore.

Yet, they do. Now it is up to you. Your wisest strategy is to be consistently reasonable at work and prudent about whom you inform of your condition. Although your impulse may be to educate your employers and coworkers, many of whom may have the disease or know others who might, not everyone may be sympathetic to you. They are two schools of thought about discussing this disease and its effect on women, and doing so on the job. Some avoid public disclosure, feeling it is best to be discreet. They are concerned that knowledge of their condition may he used against them, that is, used as a reason to bold them hack from greater responsibility and promotions.

Other women fed that having endometriosis is not a stigmatizing factor and that a calm, honest, and educational approach will not hinder their career advancement. These women are bolder about their approach to the disease. They may disseminate information about endometriosis, or post notices of discussion groups to alert women to what they can do for themselves and for others, too. Knowing they do not have to keep silent about their condition and finding even one other woman at work who shares their problem gives them a psychological boost and an important sense of supportiveness. The action you do or do not take at work will depend entirely on the kind of job you have and the general tone of your workplace. You will know best what to do in this case.


Post contents from:  http://fdadrug.net/2009/05/endometriosis-managing-stress

Drinking Red Wine May slow Endometriosis

A paper that was presented at the American Collage of Obstetricians and Gynaecologist’s Annual Clinical Meeting this year has said that Drinking Red Wine may be good for health and may help to prevent Endometriosis.

The research in the paper has shown that mice with endometriosis were given doses of compunds found in soy and red wine the activity and growth rate of the tissue was decresed and the size also was reduced.

In conclusion Sharai C. Amaya of Greenville Hospital in South Carolina along with her co-authors say “Further studies are required in humans to investigate the role of dietary compunds such as soy (geninstein) or red wine (resveratol) on both gynecologic health and disease”.


Story gleaned from Endometriosis News & Demo-research.

Call for updated Endometriosis Doctors

A while ago we posted a list of doctors as part of a post which is readable on:

Call for updated Endometriosis Doctors

We have recently updated a couple of details, however are planning on posting a more comprehensive list on the site.  To do this we need your help!

If you are aware of a doctor or surgeon who specialises in Endometriosis, please drop us a comment or email to webmaster@endosupp.com.

Alternative treatments

Starting a new series of articles – we are going to look at some alternative therapies that may help endometriosis sufferers.

Whilst these are largely conjecture – we hope to help inform people and give reasons for these therapies working and back it up with any study data we can locate.  

This is to counter the crack-pot “cures” that do not exist and are proliferating the Endometriosis communities now, especially “cures” which are deamed authoritive because one person got relief, with no science behind them or cures.  Often these can be more dangerous if the advice is followed naively.

As they say… stay tuned for this series which will be semi-regular, in that we will update it when we get the information ourselves!

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