Fertility Society Australia 2008 Conference

We hope to start finding out the information about more of these conferences as the site grows and our userbase continues to expand.

For our users from Australia here’s info about the fertility society of australia’s conference dates this year (2008).  Since our personal IVF was successful – and the main reason for needing this was due to the endometriosis causing infertility problems I think these advances are very very important.

Posted on http://info4endo.com/2008/08/29/fertility-society-australia-2008-conference/ .



When & Where
19 to 22 October 2008
Hilton Hotel, Brisbane
Queensland, Australia

Theme: Working Together For Reproductive Health

The conference theme, “Working Together For Reproductive Health” guided the development of the sessions, though we retained some of the discipline based sessions. This theme was chosen to highlight potential benefits for our patients if we all recognize our respective skill sets and organise ourselves around a common theme. The overall aim of the program is to provide sessions that stimulate further discussions with your colleagues in the many IVF Units in Australia and New Zealand.

Keynote Speakers
John Collins
Bart Fauser
Jonathan Van Blerkom
Andrew Van Steirteghem

Registration is now open. For more information, please visit the FSA Conference website.


What are the most common symptoms of endometriosis?

Some of the more common symptoms of endometriosis are: ->PAIN-which can be experienced before or during periods or continuously throughout the month; the pain can be a typical low pelvice cramping, pain with sexual intercourse, with bowel movements, lower back pain, or merely with movement.

  • INFERTILITY-Many women have difficulty conceiving and may never become pregnant despite invasive, risky and expensive medical procedures and treatments.
  • BOWEL/BLADDER COMPLICATIONS-diarrhoea, constipation, rectal pain or pain with bowel movements, symptoms of bowel obstruction or pain with voiding may occur; it has sometimes been mistaken for appendicitis
  • ANGER/FRUSTRATION with chronic disease, missed time at work, decreased energy for home/family life

Stages of Endometriosis

Endometriosis is generally recognised to have four stages, some doctors may talk of five stages where stage 4 is taken a step further – below is our understanding of the four stages.

Stage One Endometriosis

A few cells/implants are present, often in the pelvic area, even at this stage some women can suffer significant symptoms.  Often after surgery women to remove the cells/implants are back to stage one (assuming surgery is taken to tackle the latter stages).

Stage Two Endometriosis

Endometrial cells are found in more areas, often on one or both ovaries.  At this stage fertility may start to be affected due to these.

Stage Three Endometriosis

More cells are found in the pelvic area and can be seen more easily during diagnostic laproscopy.  Pain is often severe and fertility is often impaired as a result of the pain and distress due to the spreading of the cells.

Stage Four Endometriosis

This is the most severe stage, often organs are joined by fibrous strands due to the spread of the endometriosis.  Inflammation is often extensive due to the irritation of the organs as the body reacts to the cells.  At this stage fertility is almost certainly affected alongside severe pain. (It should be noted that due to the variance of endometriosis it is possible to be at Stage 4 and not be affected).

These stages are a rough guide and give you an idea when someone talks about stages.  With endometriosis someone can be stage one and have the same symptoms as someone in stage 4, it all depends where the cells are and so what is irritated or damaged as a result.

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