Today is the 29th May and yesterday I found out that i had endometriosis. I cried to start of with then went numb I havent felt a lot since. I am getting married in a year, and had planned kids soon after that so this has come as quite a shock. I had a laporoscomy to see what years of painful periods erregular bleeding and pain during sex was infact endo or not. The gyno didnt speculate but told me i shouldnt worry that it might not be anything, but i will never forget the look on his face when he came to tell me. I think the person it has hit the most was my mother we are very close and she broke down in tears and went to tlk to the gyno without me. It turns out I only have 4 spots and he burnt then, though i apparently have a 60% chance of them growing back and having slight problems falling pregnant. I would just like to see if anyone can help me though this initial denial stage and if anyone eles is going though it or went though it themselfs and can give me some pointers on what to expect next!